Monday, 23 November 2015

Product Review : Avene Thermal Spring Water

Hello peeps! (acah lagi) semalam baru buat review harini buat lagi, eh eh eh sukati lah kan? hahaha. So hari ni iols nak buat review mengenai thermal spring water. Actually ada byk brand yg ada jual thermal spring water mcm bio essence, clinelle and even evian pun ada jual spring water nie tau. So apa itu spring water? secara dungunya spring water is a water froma spring, as opposed to river water or waint water. *make dari google :p 

"What is spring water?
Spring water comes from an underground source from which water naturally rises to the surface. Although the water must rise to the surface on its own in order to be classified as natural spring water, we collect spring water at the source. Our spring water is then passed through multiple stages of filtration to remove particles and other unwanted elements. Our filters act as cleaning agents and ensure only water passes through. It’s important to note that we don’t alter our spring water in any way. Once it passes through our filtration system, it still has all the natural minerals and qualities that gives our water its great taste."
source :

So paham x? kalau x paham xpe lah sebab aku pun x paham sgt, but acah2 tahu jelakan. Senang cite spring water ni air pure from earth lah which contains a lot of mineral yg bagus utk kita. Kenapa kene pakai spring water? sebab air2 yg yg keluar kat paip tu dah terpakai and ditapis so xbyk mineral di.. (kot, aku main hentam je nie). Spring water yg dijual ni bukanlah utk dibuat minum, walaupun mmg bole kalau nak minum sebenarnya, melainkan kau pewaris empayar hilton hotel hahah sebab mahal harga dia kot. So tanpa merepek panjang moh le dgr review aku yg pendek je sebenarnya kahkah.. 

Harga : rm21 (50ml), rm43 (150ml), rm60 (300ml)
Where to buy : Watsons, Guardian and most pharmacy ada jual

  • • Soothes redness associated with inflammation 
  • • Calms itching sensations 
  • • Rich in silicate and trace elements 
  • • Low salt mineral content does not dry out the skin 
  • • pH 7.5 – perfect balance of anions and cations 
  • • Sterile packaging– bacteriologically pure 
  • • Preservative-free 
  • • Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic
  • • Protected by a tamper-proof seal 

Yang aku pegang tu yg paling kecik 50ml and time aku beli ada less, dpt around rm15. Macam mahal gak kan? dont worry, watsons or guardian selalu buat sale product nie, lagi2 kalau beli sekali banyak lagi murah (on pack). 300ml x 3 = rm99 kdg2.. So bole baca sendiri benifits and bile nak pakai bende alah ni kan? hahah aku beli pun sebab ramai kata best, so aku pun nak try. Actually before this ai ada beli yg brand lain iaitu bio-essence nye spring water. 

Oke this avene spring water ai pakai time keluar jalan/trip ke for example. Bile muka rasa oily/kotor/kering ke, spray jela.. Rasa segar? Yes rasa segar, but x kurang x lebih rasa dia mcm spray air pipe je hahahah. hurmm For short term effect maybe x nampak sgt lah kan, but maybe its goof for long term effect sebb kita guna pure water utk bersihkan muka instead of air paip tu kan. Kan kalau kite tgh peluh2 pastu basuh muka nnti panau muka kita nyah, so pakai ni lah elok nak elakkan panau. 

Tbh (to be honest *mana tau ada yg x tau kahkah) hmmm ai xperlu sgt kot product nie, ai beli time tu pun sebab saja2 je nak pakai sebab ramai kata bagus and time tu tgh sale so beli jela. But utk girls (or boys) yg kerap jalan2 or trip maybe berguna kot. But not to me. Kesan sampingan nye xde lah sgt, xde irritation pun okay je, but honestly mcm akan muncul jerawat2 kecik, idk sebab this product or sebab time tu iols tgh period hahaha. tapi bile pakai ni lepas seminggu tu muncul jerawat kecik2, but x byk pun, satu dua gitu je. Iols pun jarang pakai spray ni sebab x keluar berjalan sgt pun, pakai time trip jb je mostly haritu.. 

Would i repurchase : No, but depends 
Recommended : Yes and no, yes kalau korg selalu travel and no kalau korg saje je nak try :p

Overall, this is an okay product to me. Okay but not necessary to have. 

Till then peeps!

1 comment:

  1. uuu kamera phone BARU kau ni clear gila. k tu je nak komen
